Is Medicaid Planning the Solution for You?

As the cost of long-term care rises and more individuals cannot afford nursing homes, many people are turning to Medicaid for help. However, this does not mean everyone needing Medicaid will receive assistance.

Elder law and Medicaid planning can help you secure your assets so that you can qualify for Medicaid if needed. If you're concerned that you have too many assets to qualify for Medicaid but are unsure how you will pay for long-term care if required, Medicaid planning may be suitable for you.

Let's examine what is involved with Medicaid planning and how you can be sure that our lawyers at Gillmore & Wilson, LLC have the expertise you need for short and long-term Medicaid planning.

Medicaid Planning: What Is Involved?

A person must meet low-income and asset restrictions to qualify for Medicaid. During Medicaid planning, a qualified attorney advises you on how to organize your assets to safeguard them while being eligible for Medicaid assistance. This planning may be referred to in two groups: proactive Medicaid planning and crisis Medicaid planning. Proactive Medicaid planning is done before the circumstances arise, while crisis Medicaid planning is done after the need has already come up.

Proactive Medicaid Planning

Proactive Medicaid planning involves taking steps now that can help you qualify for Medicaid later. Proactive planning often involves estate planning strategies such as trusts and gifts to safeguard your assets for your dependents. Because we never know what the future may bring regarding our long-term care, proactive Medicaid planning can be a wise choice.

Crisis Medicaid Planning

Crisis planning occurs when someone has become ill and needs nursing care or other services. In these cases, you can utilize crisis Medicaid planning to retain as much of your assets as possible while working to achieve eligibility for Medicaid assistance.

As each crisis is unique, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced Newton Medicaid Planning attorney. A skilled attorney can help you learn which options are best for your specific situation, ensuring that your assets are protected while receiving the most benefits available under current laws.

Contact an Experienced Newton, Kansas, Attorney for Help with Medicaid Planning

The need for Medicaid planning is a serious one. While you may not feel you need Medicaid coverage today, no one can predict what tomorrow may bring. Gillmore & Wilson, LLC's caring Newton Medicaid planning lawyers have the expertise to help you make wise decisions for the future.

Preparing for unforeseen healthcare needs is best done in advance. By contacting Gillmore & Wilson, LLC, as soon as possible, you can save yourself time and aggravation down the road by avoiding unnecessary delays in obtaining Medicaid benefits. Our Medicaid planning attorneys are well-versed in current Medicaid and estate planning regulations and will use this expertise to preserve your income, assets, and family's financial future.

Call us at (316) 283-1550 to discuss your proactive or crisis Medicaid planning needs, or use our online contact form to send a message and set up a consultation.

We serve Newton, Hesston, Sedgwick, Halstead, Peabody, and the surrounding Kansas communities.


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